Transfer Pricing Services
Our Transfer Pricing team provides a range of services from provision of APA services to handling large global assignments including Country by Country reporting. We are a dynamic organisation assisting clients in corporate decision-making at different stages of inter-company transactions by providing tailored solutions i.e. planning, policy-making, implementation, robust documentation and compliance along assisting clients before the revenue and appellate authorities.
Compliance services
- Local transfer pricing compliance documentation for international transactions and specified domestic transactions including:
- Functional analysis
- Comparability analysis
- Industry and business overview
- Assistance in obtaining of an Accountant’s Report in Form 3CEB
- Master File and country-by-country (CbC) reporting
- Assistance in preparation of Master File
- Assistance in preparation of CbC Report where:
- The ultimate parent company is in India
- The Indian entity is designated as the Alternative Reporting Entity (ARE)
- Indian entity does not have an agreement for exchange of CbC Report with country of foreign parent
- Despite having an exchange agreement, country of foreign parent (or ARE) fails to share CbC Report
- Assistance in communicating and liasoning with the relevant prescribed authorities whenever required
Advisory services
- Assistance in setting up business/operational model
- Restructuring of existing business model to build tax/commercial efficiencies
- Due diligence report (DDR) assistance from transfer pricing perspective in order to ensure that the business model and pricing arrangements of target acquisition are defensible
- Assistance in corporate governance under Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI regulations
- Identification of related parties
- Analysing the identified RPT as to:
- Whether the transactions are in the ordinary course of business; and
- Whether the transactions are proposed to be undertaken on arm’s length basis
- Analysing and evaluating various approvals that may be required (i.e. Audit Committee, Board of Directors, shareholders etc.) for each of the RPT under the Companies Act 2013 and SEBI regulations
- Review-related party compliances under the Companies Act on a quarterly/half-yearly/annual basis
- Present our analysis at board meetings to assure Directors that compliances are in order
- Review of deemed international transactions
- Assistance in preparing profit attribution studies
- Assistance in preparing global transfer pricing policy document
- Supply chain restructuring
- Structuring management fee payments, royalty payments, inter-company financing arrangements
Dispute Avoidance/Resolution
- Assistance in representation before:
- Transfer Pricing Services Officer
- Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals)
- Dispute resolution panel
- Appellate tribunals
- Drafting of submissions, appeals and letters to the revenue/appellate authorities
- Tax briefings and providing external support to external counsels for representation before High Courts and Supreme Court
- Assistance in Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) proceedings
- Assistance with mutual agreement procedures (MAP)
- Assistance in relation to Safe Harbour application