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Procedure for Applying

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Formation of One Person Company in India


An OPC is a Company which has only one person as a member. An OPC has all features of a Company, such as perpetual succession, limited liability and a separate legal entity. It is form of a Company where the Compliance requirements are lesser than that of Private Company. Thus one person can be resident or NRI can incorporate his/her business that has the features of a Company and the benefit of a sole proprietorship.

Benefit of OPC Company:

  • Legal Status
  • Easy to obtain the fund
  • Less Compliance
  • Easy incorporation
  • Easy to manage
  • Perpetual succession
Documents required for formation of One Person Company in India:


  • Address proof
  • Aadhaar Card
  • PAN Card
  • Photo
  • E-mail ID
  • Phone No

Company related Documents

  • Address proof
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Article of Association
  • Consent form and Declaration form
Process for formation of One Person Company in India

Apply for Digital Signature

Our team of expert would help to apply for Digital signature Certificate with documents and get issue the digital signature within 1-2 working days.


Name approval application

We will apply for name approval. Preferred name to be provided by client


Filing and approval of forms with MCA

All the documents and forms related to incorporation of Company to be filed with MCA by our team of professional. If subsequently any query raised related to filing of forms, will be solved by our team of professional only.


Issue of Certificate

Certificate of incorporation to be issued once all forms has bee filed and approved.

Frequently Asked Questions

A natural person who is an Indian citizen whether resident in India or otherwise shall be eligible to incorporate a One Person Company.

Since it is a private limited company, it has perpetual succession. The single member is required to appoint a nominee who will take over the reign in case of death or incapacity of the member.

No, a person cannot act as a member of more than one OPC at any point of time.

There is no threshold limit for conversion of an OPC to a public limited or a private limited company. Provisions relating to minimum paid up capital that warranted compulsory conversion of a OPC has been removed in the Companies (Incorporation) Second Amendment Rules, 2021.
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